Friday 30 October 2009



for my scene that i am going to create i am going to need a tree for my giraffe (which is coming along quite well) i created this tree by starting off with a box, converting it into a editable mesh and extruding changing the shape to create the branches. then i used mesh smooth to round it all off. just need to find out how to create and attach some leaves

Wednesday 7 October 2009

brown paper


created this by getting an image of paper importing it into 3d max, created a plane, then added the materal of the paper in defused colour, then added the same jpeg image in to opacity and then added it into bump and put the pumb up to 120.

week 3

created a leaf using photoshop and 3d max easy to do once i remembered how to use photoshop

Sunday 4 October 2009

living organisms


molecules are what make up living organisms



nearly everything in the seas or the oceans are classed as a living organism from the coral to the fish.


i am not quite sure if aliens are part of biodiversity. some people who believe in aliens would says yes as they are considered to be a living organism but then some people who don't believe in aliens would say no they don't exist so cant be