Tuesday 8 December 2009

the story

the story of my stamps is, having the image of the giraffe in the Savannah which is the first stamp , then the next stamp is with a mosquito on the skin of the giraffe about and the 3rd stamp is showing the mosquito taking blood from the giraffe. i thought this was a unique story for 3 stamp designs.

3rd stamp

this is the image of my 3rd and last stamp created the same way as the other stamps. i added light aming it at the fround of the vein creating light to see the blood cells better.

2nd stamp.

this is my 2nd stamp, i like the shadow, i did this by adding lights into the 3DS max above and to the side of the mosquito. The back ground is off the texture that i created in photoshop i then imported it to photoshop to create the edge of the stamplike i did for the first stamp. i found an image of the queens head and placed it in photoshop on top of the mosquite image and added the text on as well. i made the queens head silver and made it facing the left as on most of british stamps the head it always facing the left.

1st finish stamp

this is the image of my first stamp, if you cant tell this is an image of a giraffe i found the image of the Savannah on google. i created a plain in 3Ds max added the giraffe's and the tree in the back ground then i saved it as a jpeg imported it in to photo shop used the magic wound tool to select the edge of the out line of the stamp that i wanted to use then went on the layer where the image that i imported over as a jpeg was and deleted it to create this effect. i made the image bright to give it the sandy effect.

creating the stamp in photoshop

this is the oup line of the image that i used to creat my stamp, i wanted the effect of the edge of the stamp. i imported this to photoshop and cut the middle out.

Thursday 3 December 2009


my last stamp was of the inside of a vein, i created this by using a chafed cylinder squishing the middle with the soft selection tool, then using the turbo modifier to round off all the sharp edges. i then created different red blood cells in the same way but making them all different.

i created the white blood cell by creating a sphere and using bevol tool to extrude the polygons out forming the spikes

for the main vein i created a cylinder and made it hollow by extruding into it. i then added the colour red and added a noise to create the texture.
then i created the mosquito mouth that it used to drink the blood. i used a cylinder and created a point by extruding it .

Wednesday 2 December 2009



now i have made the shape of the mosquito i needed to add a bit of detail. so far i have started adding the hairs where the wings meet as i found this on a few images that i have gathered. i created on hair using a cylinder then using the beval tool i extruded it up and made the cylinder into a point, then using the soft selection tool curved it round, then i just made copy's of the hair and just changed the angel and where it was being placed.

giraffe's skin

this is the nearly finished giraffe. to add the texture i found an image on google of the giraffe fur, but when i went to add it as a material in 3d max you could see the seam, i then had to make the image i had found in to a tile so that there would be no seam. I did this by importing the image into photoshop . by cutting the image in half so i knew that the top half would match up to the bottom half i used the clone tool to blend both half's together. i then repeated this for the sides. then adding a layer mask which was used to add more detail