Friday 20 November 2009


how i started the giraffe's head. i started with a square with only 1 polygons, i will add more polygons when i need to by inserting them. i got the basic shape of the head by extruding polygons out where i needed to for the ears and the horns. to create the shape of the mouth i used the scale tool.

once i had done that i needed to create the shapes of the ears, i did this by moving around the edges . once i had got the shape i used the insert tool to add detail to the ear.

i then needed to create the mouth. i did this by deleting polygons around where the mouth was going to do.

once the mouth was done i used the inset tool again to create the eye.

once i had inset the eye i extruded the eye ball.

i then inset the nostrils.

i then inset the edges around the mouth to give it depth

i then added turbo smooth and this is the image that i have got so far. i need to do more work on this as it looks like a cows head

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